Rainbows and Sunbeams
RIGHTS RESPECTING: Article 7 - I have the right to a name and to belong to a country.
Rainbows Bereavement Support, a well respected national charity, exists to offer support to children and young people who have experienced a significant loss in their lives. Help is provided through peer support groups, facilitated by trained adults, following a structured 12-14 week programme with age appropriate materials. These groups provide an emotionally safe environment in which the children can articulate and explore their feelings regarding their loss.
Founded in 1992, Rainbows Bereavement Support GB now operates in over 750 schools in England and Wales, both primary and secondary, and is currently available to over 72,500 children and young people.
Our School runs its own Rainbows’ programme and staff have been trained to support all pupils in our school.
The Rainbows Programmes:
SunBeams: for children from Early Years to the end of Key Stage One.
Using teddy bears, puppets and play activities, children are helped to express their feelings of loss and to feel supported through their grief.Quote from a bereaved father: “Since attending Sunbeams my son can now speak about his Mum. Thank you for the change you have made in him”
Rainbows: has three different levels and is suitable for children in Key Stage Two.
Using journals, story books, games and activities, children learn to talk about their feelings in a safe secure environment with trained caring facilitators.
Quotes from children who have participated in the programme:
“It helped me by letting all my feelings out.” Year 5 pupil
“I didn't know that I wasn't the only one feeling like this.” Year 3 pupil