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Opal Playground

What is OPAL?

Outdoor Play And Learning 

What is it? 

OPAL is a new scheme that St. Charles' is starting during lunchtimes. It is a new approach to playing to try and give the children more opportunities to explore and experience play. We are going to be creating 'zones' for any child in any class to play in e.g. a construction zone, a digging zone, a den building zone and a relaxing zone. The children have all shared their ideas of resources and zones that they would like in their lunchtime which will be introduced slowly. 

Please read through the following documents for further information and see the display board outside the front of school for a list of resources we need! 

How can I support OPAL as a parent?

We need you to understand how important play is to all children. Please send your child/children into school every day with a coat and ideally a warm and waterproof one. Wellington boots will be needed if the play is happening in the Forest School site. Please make sure that all uniform and clothing being sent in, is named. 

Resources for all of the zones are always welcome! Please see the notice board at the front of school for a list of items. Den building equipment, old bikes and scooters, jigsaw puzzles and board games, dressing up clothes are popular at the moment.